Saturday, 12 March 2016

Kim Seviour - Fantasise To Realise

Here's a one-track single from former Touchstone singer Kim Seviour - available on limited-edition CD or as download and released by the new White Star Records label. Not space-rock, but I think a lot of blog readers of a progressive music persuasion will really like this uplifting tune, that's come to us as through a serendipitous moment. 

It's written by Swordfish, from Astralasia and was being laid-down by White Star co-founders John Mitchell and friend of this blog Chris Hillman, of Magik Eye Records. Kim was visiting, got asked to provide some backing vocals  and then wanted to put down some lead vocals as well. And, as you'll hear, it worked so well that with justice, the proper thing to do was to continue that path and release it as a Kim Seviour single. (She's working with John Mitchell on an album currently - this single isn't intended to be part of it). 

'Fantasise To Realise' is a bold, danceable, feel good number with a big heart. I talked a while back - while in the middle of a change of working arrangements and saying farewell to colleagues all going their different ways - about how 'Big Buzz' from Killing Joke's new album had sat with me on constant repeat while I sat in an otherwise empty office at the end of a long association with some great people, and that it spoke to me and kept me focused and motivated, and optimistic. Absolutely there is someone out there in different circumstances but also needing that sense of positivity and that forward looking vibe, who'll come across this song and have Kim's inspiring vocals and Swordfish's addictive and soaring tune and find a something that speaks to them in the same way, something they'll take heart from. In that way, it's a really lovely track. And, if you're not looking for that sort of moment of a song meaning something for the time you are in, then it's simply a joyous song with a great backing and worth your time in any event.

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